Saturday, November 9, 2013

weathering the drought

Sometimes it's not a storm, but a drought that you have to gut your way through.

Sometimes, you have to be willing to put your heart on the line to prove that you are capable of putting the other person's needs first.

As a wise counselor told me "I can tell you what I think you should do all day long, but it's not MY life or MY heart on the line here.  It's yours, and if you miss someone THAT much, I think it would be foolish to tell you to walk away from someone you obviously love.  My job is to HELP you, not to give you advice that ends up hurting you and causing you to emotionally suffer.  Sure, any counselor can tell you to resist your feelings and deny what your heart wants....and they can SAY it's for your own good, but I woukd question the wisdom of ANYONE who tells you that the answer to your problems is to ignore what your own heart says is true...especially when it comes to love."

So, I have decided to restore my faith in love and weather the drought.

I just hope and pray my heart isn't wrong this time.

If that is what it will take to prove my love for her, and show her that indeed a large change HAS taken place, then so be it...because yes...she IS worth every second.